about blog

go back from whence you came

hello i am blog :)
i do a lot of things but the ones i love most are gaming and art
here are some samples of my art

i play lots of many games!
if i had to list five that define my taste the most I WOULD SAY

(list heavily subject to change)
but i love trying new things and talking about experiences on games and stuff!!
i currently run a blog about my experiences with games over on my spacehey, but one day i hope to move it onto this site!! so look forward to that

besides games and art i really love all sorts of things so heres a lightning round

records, coffee, guitar, legos, dr pepper, animanga, pc building, coding, fashion, shoes, cooking, traveling, new york and music!

i'll come back to this very soon to flesh it out more but thats 60% of me!